DeaEun and I are working with the idea of transformation and its relation to objects that are either iconic or representational of an SVA art student. This concept is set up as a diptych; the iconic item on one side and then the other side the item would be used for something other than its purpose while referencing an artist. We want it to be fun and witty. Here are some ideas that we came up with...
1. on the left side of the page there is the ever loathed SVA bill ($50,000 DUE!) ... then on the other side the bill has transformed into some sort of origami. we thought this would be an appropriate comment on an art students mentality and how we may find inspiration anywhere.
2. on the left side there is a scene of a coffee spilled over on a white t-shirt (an accident)... on the right side the t-shirt is being sold by the masses in some high end clothing store.
3. a photo on the left side of a Campbell soup can in the trash can or anything else for that matter... then on the right side there would be an Andy Warhol Painting or something hanging in a gallery with a hefty price tag. this is suppose to show accidental inspiration and the commodification of art and or items
We have more idea's in the works.... If anyone would like to contribute please do so.