hey everyone
just wanted to throw my idea out there for my personal part of the yearbook
i'm gathering ideas/inspiration/information to create an activity book based around my/your/our experience of sva
i want this to be something very interactive so its not something our peers will flip through and put on a shelf and not dig out for another fifteen years from now. id like to make it so it shows all the things i've encountered along the way while still leaving room for the owner to personalize it
as of right now for contents im thinking things/games like: mad libs, connect the dots, complete the picture, crossword and find the word, unscramble the letters, find the end of the maze, sudoku, tic tac toe, cut and assemble a puzzle, color by number, find the matching pictures, etc. etc.
let me know how this sounds, if it seems like something you'd enjoy as a graduating student, if you have any suggestions, anything because im excited to start on it
-Nicole :D
brainstorming... computers, cameras, blackboards, moe's, paint/drawing supplies, interior design materials, davinci art supply, pearl, ny central, madison square park, gramercy, notebooks, book binding, portfolios, homework, subway passes, student loans, student health care, schedules, prints, books, paper, humanities, studios, lectures, credits, grades, projects, ideas, brainstorming, teamwork, creativity, dedication, all-nighters, caffeine, cigarettes, the corner starbucks, hard work, opportunity, criticism, critiques, deadlines, classrooms, museums, galleries, inspiration, history, peers, future, professors, guidance, registration, financial aid